Sunday, December 7, 2014

Final Poster Blog

As the project was wrapped up this week, all points were added to the map and symbolized to reflect the outcome of that fight based on who won and if other allies were involved in that fight. The total data on different battles was then separated to create effective maps categorized to five armed conflicts in American history, which are The French and Indian War, The American Revolution, The War of 1812, The Civil War, and Native American Conflicts with the United States. All five maps were then place don a poster slide with introduction, objectives, methods, and conclusion sections as shown. This project showed that most of these wars were fairly even in the amount of victories each side had. The project also shows the wide range of these wars across North America.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Blog Post 7

This week, more points were added for battles that took place during the War of 1812. Another task that still has to be completed is the separation of each war onto its own map to avoid any cluttering of different points. Another task will be to symbolize each point based on the total number of troops present as a means of showing the significance of each battle. Other field of information that could be added to the attributes of the points or to the map itself is still open to suggestions as well. Overall for this coming week, some more changes are very likely to happen soon to diversify this map and make it appear more organized and easier to read and understand.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Blog Post 6

This week, more data points were added including the start of the War of 1812. The points were also expanded in size to make visibility clearer. More attributes were also added including the number of troops on each side and the total troop count when the two sides are added together. The reason for the summing of the opposing sides is because I plan on making a graduated size map out of these points correlating size with the total number of troops present at that battle. I am also considering maybe creating separate maps for each war to avoid any cluttering of my points but I'm not 100 % sure on this yet. For the next few weeks, I plan on adding more points for the War of 1812 and maybe adding more attribute fields that give more information on each battle. Some adjustments to the basemap in the background of the map may also be made in the future to help visibility such as using a flat, single color basemap as oppose to the world imagery map but these choices are up for debate.

Current Map:

Monday, November 10, 2014

Post 5

Last week more points representing Revolutionary war battles were added to the excel spreadsheet. For the map, the points were selected by the war they belonged to and color coded to differentiate each battle between the French and Indian War and the American Revolution. The red points represent the French and Indian War while the blue points represent the American Revolution. These colors are only a temporary change used to keep the points organized into categories. Later I plan on coming up with a better set up for categorizing the points either based on the war they belong to or their outcome. This week I will try to add more points to finish up the Revolutionary War and move on to the War of 1812 as well as focus on an efficient way to design this map so that it is interactive and easy to follow. A series of different symbology shapes for each pint as well as color will most likely be used to display the final sets of points for each war in the future.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Blog Post 4

So far this week, all points representing historical battle fields of the French and Indian War have been plotted on the project map along with complete attribute data for the fields of Name, Latitude, Longitude, Date, and Outcome of each battle. Some points for the first opening battles of the Revolutionary war have also been plotted. For future objectives for this project, the rest of the points for the Revolutionary War will be plotted on the map and more fields for the attribute table will also be added such as opposing nations in the battle and the numbers of soldiers for each side. Points will also hopefully be categorized into each war so that each point can easily be distinguished for the war that it was fought during.

Current Map:

Monday, October 27, 2014

Project Blog 3

This week (week of 10/27/14), more historical battlefield of the French and Indian War were entered into excel and added to the map. The excel table was also further completed by adding dates and battle outcomes to each battle listed. For future objectives, revolutionary battles will be added to the spreadsheet and then to the map. More information such as opposing sides, generals, and troop numbers will also be added to the map. After the Revolutionary war is completed, the War of 1812, Civil War, and Native American Encounters will be uploaded as points. Then even more information on each battle will be researched and found. This information will then be used to update the map to completion.

Monday, October 20, 2014

GIS Historic Battlefields Post 2

This week, the list of historic battlefields that will be plotted on ArcGIS will be added to to better organize all of the desired data. Currently, the Battle of Saratoga has been placed on the list with its lat and long coordinates which will help to plot the battlefield on a map.

Current map: