Monday, November 3, 2014

Blog Post 4

So far this week, all points representing historical battle fields of the French and Indian War have been plotted on the project map along with complete attribute data for the fields of Name, Latitude, Longitude, Date, and Outcome of each battle. Some points for the first opening battles of the Revolutionary war have also been plotted. For future objectives for this project, the rest of the points for the Revolutionary War will be plotted on the map and more fields for the attribute table will also be added such as opposing nations in the battle and the numbers of soldiers for each side. Points will also hopefully be categorized into each war so that each point can easily be distinguished for the war that it was fought during.

Current Map:


  1. Very interesting topic. I know its a work in progress and sounds like you've done a lot/have a lot left to do. I just wanted to point out a couple of ideas. I would change the color of the points, so you know what war they were fought in. And as for labels, not too sure how you'll go about this one, as it might make the table extremely cluttered (which I hope is not the case). I would also make maybe larger points or use different symbols for the LARGE/BIG battles that might be very well known or has a specific importance. But I can see your map is starting to take shape so I know in the end this will be a great map and project. I can't wait to see more! Keep it up!

  2. This is a really cool map and idea. I think that so far it looks really good, I think that you should maybe make the points a little darker and easier to see. Also, you can think about doing distances between each battle and how far they traveled for another idea. I think it's a great idea mapping out two wars, and I would definitely categorize the wars into different colors or symbols to show the different spots. Looks really good so far, can't wait to see the final result!

  3. Your map and topic seem very interesting. I agree with Tyler at if you do label your points it might make the map become very cluttered since some of the battles seem to happen close to each other. I also like Hailey's idea of maybe showing the path the soldiers took going to battle to battle and maybe you could show how many soldiers traveled along the path. Also maybe you can have one symbol to indicate that the battle took place at a fort and another symbol to indicate it took place in a field.
