Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Blog Post 6

This week, more data points were added including the start of the War of 1812. The points were also expanded in size to make visibility clearer. More attributes were also added including the number of troops on each side and the total troop count when the two sides are added together. The reason for the summing of the opposing sides is because I plan on making a graduated size map out of these points correlating size with the total number of troops present at that battle. I am also considering maybe creating separate maps for each war to avoid any cluttering of my points but I'm not 100 % sure on this yet. For the next few weeks, I plan on adding more points for the War of 1812 and maybe adding more attribute fields that give more information on each battle. Some adjustments to the basemap in the background of the map may also be made in the future to help visibility such as using a flat, single color basemap as oppose to the world imagery map but these choices are up for debate.

Current Map:

1 comment:

  1. Your map is looking good. I think its a good idea that you want to create a graduated size map out of the points, but some of the points might intersect if they are too big and close to each other. Keep up the good work.
